Bryn Mawr Chiropractic Reviews

What Our Bryn Mawr Practice Members Say
At Bryn Mawr Chiropractic we love when practice members share with us their feedback and comments after chiropractic care. Please read our practice member testimonials below to see what other people have achieved through their tailored treatment plans with us.
For more information or to schedule an appointment call or email us today.
Back Pain
I began seeing Dr. Carr in 1985 to help with back pain I had been experiencing. Chiropractic helped with the pain and I continued seeing Dr. Carr for general health maintenance.
In the last couple of years I have upgraded my maintenance program and have never felt better! I am 70 years old and feel like I’m 40! I am very active and play golf as well as swim and ride my bike.
I plan to continue my health maintenance with Dr. Carr and would highly recommend him to others.
I particularly like the fact that Dr. Carr always makes me feel like he really cares.
– Lee B.
Shoulder and Back Pain
I began my chiropractic care to help alleviate pain I had been experiencing in my shoulder, back, arm and thumb.
I had been living with the shoulder and back pain for 6 years. I experienced thumb pain for the past 4 months. I could not grasp anything with my right hand, and could not engage in many of the different types of exercise that I enjoy.
I had been going to physical therapy and taking cortisone shots, but was not getting the results I wanted.
Since coming to Dr. Carr, I can use my right hand normally!
I like the gentle approach to adjustments – no pushing and cracking. I would definitely let others know about Dr. Carr’s gentle approach and recommend him!
– Jo S.
Neck Pain
I had been experiencing neck pain and stiffness with lots of headaches for about a year before I began seeing Dr. Carr.
To help alleviate the pain, I would do lots of neck stretches and take lots of Advil and Excedrin, of course this only gave temporary relief.
Since beginning my treatment with Dr. Carr, my neck pain has turned into light neck stiffness! In addition to the absence of pain, I have not had a cold in four months and my digestion is much better! It is great not worrying about having enough Advil in the car or at home!
What I particularly like about Dr. Carr’s approach are the gentle, relaxing adjustments.
– Kyle K.
High Anxiety
My name is Omar Siddiqui. The reason I started coming here was because I was suffering from TMJ, high anxiety and slight depression since I was 10 years old. I came to Dr. Carr to “help me relax!”
Due to my high anxiety, at the worst, a year ago I wasn’t sleeping well and was underweight by 25 pounds. Everything I tried to do to calm my nerves wasn’t working!
My mother recommended I see Dr. Carr.
Since beginning my chiropractic care I sleep the same amount of time, but now my sleep is restful, and I wake up with more energy than I’ve had in a long time! My mood has stabilized, and I am no longer underweight! I would highly recommend Dr. Carr’s chiropractic approach to anyone suffering with similar issues.
– Omar S.
Chiropractic Eases Pain
My name is Rosemary Moe. I began seeing Dr. Carr after being in a car accident. The day after the car accident I woke up very stiff and sore. I was scared and was having difficulty sleeping due to anxiety and pain.
After a previous accident I was prescribed ibuprofen for the pain. The daily long term use of the ibuprofen resulted in acid reflux, which was unpleasant.
This time I wanted to try a more holistic approach. After beginning my treatment with Dr. Carr I feel stronger, sleep better, my pain and stiffness are virtually gone! Other benefits since beginning chiropractic care include less severe colds and an improvement in my periodontal disease.
I have recommended Dr. Carr to others and will continue to do so in the future!
– Rosemary M.
Middle and Lower Back Pain
I had been experiencing middle and lower back pain plus a frequent stiff neck for the past 2 years. It would progressively get worse throughout the day and I would find myself coming home from work and going straight to bed. I sought relief with heating pads, hot water bottles and the TLC of my daughters giving me back rubs. These treatments offered some relief, but none that was long lasting.
Since I began treatment with Dr. Carr, my back, neck and shoulders feel looser and not so tense. I am able to take frequent and longer walks than before. I can work through the day without coming home and going straight to bed!
I really appreciate Dr. Carr’s teaching approach – it helps me understand why I was having the problems I was experiencing, and how what he does helps me.
I am happy with my results since I began seeing Dr. Carr, and would recommend him to others!
– Sandra E. B.
Crohn’s Disease
My name is Kayleen Kabba and I was diagnosed with Crohn’s Disease in February of 2009. I had been experiencing diarrhea three to four days a week with fever, weight loss, night sweats and cramping.
The doctor said I had low hemoglobin and prescribed anti inflammatory and steroids for my symptoms.
Since I started coming to Dr. Joe, I have less stomach and intestinal cramps, less diarrhea, more solid stools and I’m gaining weight!
In addition, I am also sleeping through the night and have more energy during the day.
I really like Dr. Joe’s gentle approach to adjustments.
– Kayleen K.
Chiropractic Eases Pain
My name is Sachiko Kudoh. After being in a car accident I developed discomfort and pain. It wasn’t too bad at first, but the pain started to get worse gradually. Due to the discomfort, mood swings and pain, I found it difficult to concentrate on my work and daily activities.
I attempted to relieve the discomfort and pain with pills, creams and lotions, but that didn’t give me the results I wanted.
After beginning my chiropractic care, the neck and back pain are getting better, and feel more manageable. The mood swings have lessened and I feel more refreshed.
I feel more productive in my life with a clearer mind and a joy in doing my daily activities.
I like Dr. Carr’s approach of getting to the root of the problem to be able to have the best result and outcome. I would definitely recommend his approach.
– Sachiko K.
Hand and Finger Numbness
My husband encouraged me to see Dr. Carr because he thought the numbness I was experiencing in my hands and fingers may be the beginning of carpel tunnel syndrome. In addition to the hand numbness, I was experiencing strong cramps in my right leg.
Since beginning my care with Dr. Carr, I no longer have my leg cramps and the numbness in my hands and fingers is much less. I am feeling more relaxed and have renewed energy for doing housework/chores.
In addition to more energy, my ears are no longer draining and my lifelong hearing problem has improved significantly. I have also noticed that I can deal better with stress. I am very pleased with how I am now feeling and how I can hear so much better then before.
I would definitely recommend Dr. Carr’s approach.
– Elda D.
Neck and Shoulders Pain
I began chiropractic care due to pain in my neck and shoulders. I have scoliosis, and have dealt with the pain regularly over the past 10 years.
It was so painful, that I cried frequently. I was prescribed pain medication from my doctor. The medication was ineffective and I could not function while taking them.
My first adjustment eliminated the pain! I have had many unexpected “side effects”. With my pain gone, I have been exercising, improving my diet and losing weight. My sense of wellbeing has improved as well.
Since beginning my treatment I am able to sit upright from a lying down position – something I have not been able to do since my first pregnancy 20 years ago!
I have noticed that frequent life long headaches have become almost nonexistent! I also feel more balanced within the scope of my curved spine.
I like Dr. Carr’s gentle approach and would recommend chiropractic to others!
– Sandy B.
Chiropractic for Wellness
I began my chiropractic care to address basic wellness issues. I felt like I wasn’t as healthy as I could be. I was suffering from headaches, stomach issues, allergies and “brain fog”. I had been living with these health issues for about 8 years. At one point I had a headache for over 6 months! Most of my life was centered on getting rid of the headache.
Like a lot of people I used prescription pain medication to treat the headaches. I tried physical therapy and had and MRI. None of these gave me the answers or help that I was looking for. Since beginning chiropractic treatment I have fewer headaches.
Unexpected “side effects” of the care here are that my allergies have lessened and I have a general sense of well being!
What I particularly like about the approach in this clinic is that it is non invasive and that Dr. Carr helps educate me about treating the whole body!
– Ginna G.
Sciatica Pain
I have been dealing with bad sciatica pain. I got a back x-ray and found I had degenerative disc disease. I decided I wanted to try a chiropractic approach rather than a medical approach to deal with my pain.
I am very happy to report that my sciatica pain is gone! Plus, my chiropractic treatments have worked to improve my health over-all.
In addition to relieving my sciatica pain, the treatments have improved my lower back problems, allowing me to enjoy many physical activities I love, such as hiking, gardening, lawn mowing, exercising and most importantly, playing with my five year old granddaughter!
Freedom from my sciatica pain is an enormous relief! I really like Dr. Carr’s wellness approach and would absolutely recommend it to my friends and family.
– Judy R.